About Rob

[updated 1/10/24]

Rob calls himself a “jack of all trades and a master of none” because he has so many and varied interests that he has little time to become an expert in anything.

Once he gets interested in something, he wants to build it himself from scratch. He considers this blog the ultimate therapy because he has progressed from a blog software that he had to design himself, to a blog software that someone else designed with more bells and whistles.

He is a Christian, Los Angeles personal injury attorney (robertreedlaw.com), fantasy baseball geek (see playertrack.com and baseballgeeks.com), proprietor and designer of a number of websites (the aforementioned, asklawyers.com, and counterdmca.com, to name a few), YouTuber (www.youtube.com/robreedesq), youth soccer and baseball coach, and he is the worship leader at Calvary Chapel Malibu in Malibu Canyon, CA.

He is a songwriter and is answering God’s call of building his music ministry. He also writes music that has appeared on numerous television networks, including NBC and MTV.

He has one son (A.J.), age 17 – who he and his wife adopted when A.J. was 11 days old – and he has been happily married to his beautiful wife for almost 30 years.

Random trivia: Rob owns more than 100,000 sports cards, with his prized possessions being a 1986 Michael Jordan rookie card and a 1948 Jackie Robinson rookie card.

This blog encompasses his general rantings on life, in general, and his many and varied interests. It is a life’s goal to spread his worship music to all and spread the Gospel in the way he does best – through his music.

“Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things, for you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.”

Colossians 3:1-3

Thanks for reading, and God Bless!


  1. July 2, 2009    

    That’s a pretty interested about me page.

    • robreedesq robreedesq
      December 13, 2009    

      Thanks for getting me to actually write an about page, Kevin. 🙂

  2. Grace Grace
    December 12, 2012    

    Hello, I belong to a nondenominational Christian women’s club and a number of the women asked me to contact you to see if you would sing at one of our luncheons. We meet the second Tuesday of each month in Covina and we are booked until March 2013.

    Would you be interested in singing for us?
    God bless you.

    • Rob Reed Rob Reed
      December 12, 2012    

      Hi Grace — absolutely — feel free to email me details (rob at this domain dot com) or call me at (818) 783-7998 (my office)

  3. July 5, 2013    

    Hey Rob,
    I came across your Rising Son Song of Zachariah while doing some preliminiary investigation for Christmas. I want to center a message on Zachariah and loved how you put his song to music. Since it is not on your music site, I’m wondering if you have lead sheets for it, or something like that which I could get from you, purchase, whatever.
    Thanks for your ministry.
    sarters recently posted..Living in Exile: The End of Exile – Daniel 11-12 June 30, 2013

    • Rob Reed Rob Reed
      July 5, 2013    

      Hi Sarters – thanks for your interest in the song.

      I did a studio recording of it (and restructured it a bit) here:

      http://www.noisetrade.com/robreed (you can download it for free).

      The song is called “Tender Mercy.”

      Hope this helps, and thanks for your support of my music ministry!

      In Christ,

  4. eric marquardt eric marquardt
    March 4, 2014    

    hi,my name is Eric Marquardt. I’am a volunteer at WIXL in Madison,WI. We are looking at getting new music from independent and new christian artists.


    Eric Marquardt

    • Rob Reed Rob Reed
      March 4, 2014    

      great – email me an address, and I’ll send you a CD

  5. December 23, 2014    

    Merry Christmas, Rob. I’m back in LA the first week in Feb. Let’s grab a coffee with Dana.

    • Rob Reed Rob Reed
      December 23, 2014    

      Sounds like a plan, Rich!

  6. November 25, 2020    

    Hi Rob! I’d love to use your version of Light One Candle to Watch for Messiah for my Advent worship (currently online). I didn’t see it anywhere in your music listings.

    • Rob Reed Rob Reed
      December 11, 2020    

      Absolutely! Thanks for listening…

  7. July 16, 2022    

    Hi rob,

    I REALLY need your help. YouTube has rejected my copyright claim and haven’t forwarded to the claimant. Can you please help?

    • Rob Reed Rob Reed
      July 16, 2022    

      Email me the rejection to robertreed at gmail

  8. Cyrus Cyrus
    July 11, 2024    

    A good day to you Mr. Robert, I have the same issue as the latest commentor above where YouTube kept on rejecting my counter notification and did not forward it to the claimant. I would also like your help if you’re able to assist. Just sent a email recently to you at gmail.

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In May, 2005, Rob was a secular, Jewish, thirty-something, Los Angeles, personal injury attorney whose idea of getting up early on a Sunday was getting up for the third quarter of the first televised, NFL games.

Thirsting on the idea of playing in a band for the first time in a decade, Rob finally accepted his neighbor's request to get up at seven-in-the-morning on Sundays in order to participate.

Eleven months later, his world was turned upside down by Jesus. Instantly, he began leading songs on the worship team and was the worship leader from 2010-2022.

Rob is now the worship leader at Calvary Chapel Malibu. He released his fifth album “The Author of My Story” on December 15, 2023, available on all of your favorite streaming platforms… and he is preparing to launch a new Christian teaching podcast called “Christ Supremacist.”


  1. A good day to you Mr. Robert, I have the same issue as the latest commentor above where YouTube kept…