Active congregation worship = the best form of corporate worship!

About a month and a half ago, I led worship for a 3DM Ministries “taster,” and it was one of my most memorable worship experiences.

There were only some 40-50 people present, but they were – for the most part – Pastors and worship leaders from other churches who were well versed in contemporary worship music. So, when I led Jennie Riddle’s “Revelation Song,” it was like angels were singing. Every single body out in the group was belting it out. I could make out delicious harmonies, determined praise, unbridled worship. I’ve heard the word glorious bandied about liberally, but this was, conservatively, Glorious (with the capital G).

It is an amazing blessing that the reserved congregation formerly known as First Lutheran of Northridge is suddenly becoming similarly Glorious as LifeHouse of Northridge.

We led “How Great is Our God” this morning, and I could hear what seemed like almost every member of the congregation belting it out (whether or not they could hold a note).

I’m sure it not only makes for a more fulfilling worship experience (and closer to that which we will experience in heaven because we will certainly all have Glorious, heavenly voices working) for the congregation… but I can tell you that it is a wonderful, indescribable experience when you are supposedly leading the worship, but the congregation is leading you.

Thank you, LifeHouse, for another memorable worship experience! Keep it up!

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In May, 2005, Rob was a secular, Jewish, thirty-something, Los Angeles, personal injury attorney whose idea of getting up early on a Sunday was getting up for the third quarter of the first televised, NFL games.

Thirsting on the idea of playing in a band for the first time in a decade, Rob finally accepted his neighbor's request to get up at seven-in-the-morning on Sundays in order to participate.

Eleven months later, his world was turned upside down by Jesus. Instantly, he began leading songs on the worship team and was the worship leader from 2010-2022.

Rob is now the worship leader at Calvary Chapel Malibu. He released his fifth album “The Author of My Story” on December 15, 2023, available on all of your favorite streaming platforms… and he is preparing to launch a new Christian teaching podcast called “Christ Supremacist.”


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