Cover to Cover Project: Rules of the Road

I suppose it makes sense to put up a “rules of the road” for the Cover to Cover Bible Reading Project and how I think this will all work…

I’ll be doing regular YouTube videos about the various readings, and I’ll post them up here. I’d love it if you all decided to keep your own blogs, as well, but I’m hoping that most of the discussion will go in the blog comments here.

There will be an assignment every week, and it will be a shorter or longer assignment dependent upon how far everybody is. Feel free to message me privately if you aren’t caught up yet (I won’t mention you by name). 🙂

Rules of the Road are simple.

1) Be respectful.

2) Follow the greatest commandments of loving God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and loving your neighbor as yourself.

3) If you have a problem with somebody, keep it private. And, if there is no resolution, dust your shoes off and be respectful to the person you have a problem with, but don’t feel obligated to get into further discourse with that person.

4) If someone tells you that they don’t want further discussion with you, then be respectful and do not continue the discussion.

5) Have fun!

I’m thinking this might also turn into live chat Bible Studies on a website like Stickam.

Thanks for joining me on this journey!

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  1. Nick Nick
    June 30, 2010    

    Looking forward to reading God’s word from cover to cover. Thank you Rob for giving me the nudge I needed.
    Blessings to you and everyone taking on this project.

    • robreedesq robreedesq
      July 1, 2010    

      Looking forward to the learning and fellowship that we will do together in this project! 🙂

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  1. Rising Son (Zechariah’s Song) « ROB REED on July 1, 2010 at 11:41 am

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In May, 2005, Rob was a secular, Jewish, thirty-something, Los Angeles, personal injury attorney whose idea of getting up early on a Sunday was getting up for the third quarter of the first televised, NFL games.

Thirsting on the idea of playing in a band for the first time in a decade, Rob finally accepted his neighbor's request to get up at seven-in-the-morning on Sundays in order to participate.

Eleven months later, his world was turned upside down by Jesus. Instantly, he began leading songs on the worship team and was the worship leader from 2010-2022.

Rob is now the worship leader at Calvary Chapel Malibu. He released his fifth album “The Author of My Story” on December 15, 2023, available on all of your favorite streaming platforms… and he is preparing to launch a new Christian teaching podcast called “Christ Supremacist.”


  1. A good day to you Mr. Robert, I have the same issue as the latest commentor above where YouTube kept…