Posts tagged Politics

When it comes to religion, Christianity is as liberal as it gets

When it comes to religion, Christianity is as liberal as it gets

No, I am not talking politically. Just liberally. From a liberal perspective, isn’t a religion that is open to all, that is easy to become a part of, and that is easy to leave behind about as liberal as it gets? I was reminded of this thought as I was sitting behind two orthodox Jewish […]

“Is The Christian Right’s Influence Over?” asks CNN

“Is The Christian Right’s Influence Over?” asks CNN

I just checked out the main page of CNN and saw this headline, following the re-election of Barack Obama – “Is the Christian Right’s influence over?” I have not clicked the link, but I have provided it for you… I have not clicked the link because I am pretty sure that it ONLY refers to […]

An Election 2012 thought…

An Election 2012 thought…

A few months before the election, in 2008, I made a YouTube video that primarily made this point: if the Antichrist is out there, the easiest way for him to get conservative evangelicals to vote for him is to run on a stance of pro-life and anti-gay. The ultimate point was that who you vote […]

Pretend you are a wedding photographer…

Pretend you are a wedding photographer…

A nice looking couple walks in the door of your wedding photography business seeking your services for their April 20th wedding. They start with pleasantries, and suddenly you feel excited to work for them. As you are reaching for the contract to have them sign, the man’s shirt moves up his arm a little and […]

New York Magazine asks “Just how pro-choice is America, really?”

New York Magazine asks “Just how pro-choice is America, really?”

A bold article has recently appeared in New York Magazine, which certainly attracts a substantial majority of ultra-liberal pro-choicers. Jennifer Senior wrote an excellent piece on the subject, and I thought that I would just pass it along. Four days after the [Stupak amendment] vote, Kate Michelman, the former head of NARAL, and Frances Kissling, […]

Here is why the U.S. Constitution’s 14th amendment is so important to preserve

Here is why the U.S. Constitution’s 14th amendment is so important to preserve

Here is what I’m talking about in the previous blog post. Just today, there is a story out of South Korea where the South Korean Supreme Court upheld, by a slim margin, imprisonment for adultery. If you remove adultery/imprisonment and replace gay marriage/constitutional amendment, it reads eerily similar to a story on the gay marriage […]

The John McCain campaign strategy in the last week…

The John McCain campaign strategy in the last week…

It’s called throw everything and the kitchen sink up on to the ceiling and see if anything sticks. Anybody have any idea who this McCain spokesman, Mike Goldfarb, is referring to? Is #2 any relation to “that one?”

In May, 2005, Rob was a secular, Jewish, thirty-something, Los Angeles, personal injury attorney whose idea of getting up early on a Sunday was getting up for the third quarter of the first televised, NFL games.

Thirsting on the idea of playing in a band for the first time in a decade, Rob finally accepted his neighbor's request to get up at seven-in-the-morning on Sundays in order to participate.

Eleven months later, his world was turned upside down by Jesus. Instantly, he began leading songs on the worship team and was the worship leader from 2010-2022.

Rob is now the worship leader at Calvary Chapel Malibu. He released his fifth album “The Author of My Story” on December 15, 2023, available on all of your favorite streaming platforms… and he is preparing to launch a new Christian teaching podcast called “Christ Supremacist.”


  1. A good day to you Mr. Robert, I have the same issue as the latest commentor above where YouTube kept…