Cover to Cover Project: Join me in reading the Bible All The Way Through!

The Lord is inspiring me to start my second reading of the Bible, cover to cover. I know more about the Bible than I did when I first read it in 2006 (well, not much more, but some more – LOL), so I am looking forward to reading again with “fresh eyes.”

Won’t you join me?

It doesn’t matter what version of the Bible (Old and New Testament) you are reading. In fact, I encourage different versions so that we can spot differences and talk about them.

It doesn’t matter whether or not you are Christian, although as we are reading through the New Testament, it should be pretty clear that we will be talking mostly about Christian themes.

If you are interested, send me a private message or write a comment with an “I’m in!” below.

We will go at our own pace… I’ll try and set small weekly assignments and see if we can go from there.


July 3 – July 10: Read Genesis 1-4 (creation story)

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  1. Nick D Nick D
    June 25, 2010    

    I’m in!!!

    • Bruce Bruce
      June 25, 2010    

      Im in

  2. saundra saundra
    June 26, 2010    

    Wasn;t sure this came to me by accident as my name is not on the list?

    xxx mom

    • robreedesq robreedesq
      June 27, 2010    

      If you got it, your name was on the list… you don’t have to be on the list, though. 🙂 All are welcome.

  3. Deborah T Deborah T
    June 28, 2010    

    I’m in!!

  4. Curtis Curtis
    June 28, 2010    

    I’m in 🙂

    • Deborah T Deborah T
      June 28, 2010    

      Great to see you here, Curtis!

  5. Monique McInturf Monique McInturf
    June 28, 2010    

    I’m in

  6. Antoniette Antoniette
    June 28, 2010    

    I’m in and bringing people with me!

  7. Jackie Taylor Jackie Taylor
    June 28, 2010    

    Thanks for posting Antoinette, been thinking along the same lines…would love to go thru the Bible once again.

  8. Beth Beth
    June 28, 2010    

    I’m in. Having been trying, but can’t do it the other way.

    • robreedesq robreedesq
      June 28, 2010    

      awesome! spread the word! 🙂

  9. Deborah T Deborah T
    June 29, 2010    

    So will we check in here on July 10th? What will the format be?

    • robreedesq robreedesq
      June 29, 2010    

      Hi Deb… yah, we’ll check in on here… post up questions as we go in the original reading assignment blog entry… and then we’ll discuss the week’s reading in next blog entry that will contain next assignment (and we’ll make sure everybody is caught up)…

      this might progress into online chat, etc…. we’ll see what God has in store 🙂

      thanks for joining us on the journey


      • Deborah T Deborah T
        July 3, 2010    

        Rob, thank you for inviting us on this journey. I am really looking forward to it!

  10. June 29, 2010    

    Brilliant! Worth a go with others so I don’t keep going around in circles as is my normal way of “going.”

  11. Rhonda Vaughn Rhonda Vaughn
    June 30, 2010    

    I’m in and bringing my 12 year old son with me!

  12. Heidi Heidi
    June 30, 2010    

    I’m in.

  13. sonja sonja
    July 3, 2010    

    I’m In

  14. kenneth tamasy kenneth tamasy
    July 3, 2010    

    ok, Im in

  15. Dr. Rub Dr. Rub
    July 4, 2010    

    I think I’ll give it a shot Rob! I’ll atleast try & read a chapter a day, maybe more. Tell me what you have in mine & I’ll try to follow along. My work schedule is really busy these days but I’m sure I can try & read a little each day.

    Dr. Rub

  16. Dr. Rub Dr. Rub
    July 4, 2010    

    Great website BTW Rob! 🙂

  17. Joyce Westenhofer Joyce Westenhofer
    July 4, 2010    

    Count me in

  18. Katherine Dolick Katherine Dolick
    July 5, 2010    

    I’m in!

    • Bobbie Dolick Bobbie Dolick
      February 28, 2011    

      Hi Kat! I love you!

      • Bobbie Dolick Bobbie Dolick
        February 28, 2011    

        & i’m in!

  19. Gil Gil
    July 5, 2010    

    I’m in too.

  20. Julie Pitts Julie Pitts
    July 7, 2010    

    I’m in

  21. Charlene Charlene
    July 8, 2010    

    I’m in : )

  22. Tracy Fish Tracy Fish
    July 8, 2010    

    Thanks to Antoniette & Rhonda, I’m in! I’m excited about this opportunity. I have tried in the past but haven’t been able to stick with it! I think this time will be different!

  23. July 10, 2010    

    I am in….Thanks Antoniette!

  24. Christy Christy
    July 11, 2010    

    Alright I am in too! Thanks Antoniette!

  25. Adriana FĂ©liz Adriana FĂ©liz
    August 4, 2010    

    a little late on this.. but I’ll do my best to catch up. Im in!

  26. October 29, 2012    

    I’ve been wanting to read the Bible for so long but never found the inspiration to do so which I know is quite a challenge for most of us. This could be good start.

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  1. Rising Son (Zechariah’s Song) « ROB REED on July 1, 2010 at 11:41 am

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In May, 2005, Rob was a secular, Jewish, thirty-something, Los Angeles, personal injury attorney whose idea of getting up early on a Sunday was getting up for the third quarter of the first televised, NFL games.

Thirsting on the idea of playing in a band for the first time in a decade, Rob finally accepted his neighbor's request to get up at seven-in-the-morning on Sundays in order to participate.

Eleven months later, his world was turned upside down by Jesus. Instantly, he began leading songs on the worship team and was the worship leader from 2010-2022.

Rob is now the worship leader at Calvary Chapel Malibu. He released his fifth album “The Author of My Story” on December 15, 2023, available on all of your favorite streaming platforms… and he is preparing to launch a new Christian teaching podcast called “Christ Supremacist.”


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